Outplacement is an employer-funded service designed to support employees affected by redundancy. We offer various levels of assistance for multiple individuals.

Core Support: This includes workshops that cover essential areas such as managing change, creating impactful CVs and cover letters, developing a personal brand and online presence, excelling in interviews and presentations, conducting effective job searches, networking strategies, and engaging with employment agencies.

Blended Support: This combines workshop assistance with personalised, one-to-one career planning. It involves exploring a wide range of career options, from employment to retirement, and receiving ongoing guidance to ensure the successful implementation of a robust career plan.

Professional Support: This provides practical and flexible one-to-one career transitioning services. It involves comprehensive career coaching that addresses all aspects of the transition process in depth.

Executive Support: Tailored specifically for senior leaders, this service offers individualised career transitioning guidance and peer coaching. It assists in navigating critical personal decisions and the complex challenges associated with transitioning into senior leadership roles.

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