First of all, we would like to thank FireFish Software for the inspiration on this blog post.

Social media is unavoidably the best places to find the ‘perfect candidate’. The ability to target a specific type of demographics (e.g. age, qualifications, location, mobile phone headset, and many others!) enable us as a recruiter to ensure that the job advertisement appears to those who matter.

The two main key activities that each of us must master are social media listening and monitoring. These are the key indicator to ensure that you can seek the performance of the post throughout different platforms. The information will be useful for you to content plan

On FireFirsh blog’s post ‘How to Assess (and Improve) Your Social Media Presence’ they have summarised some vital keys that you should monitor when maximising your social recruitment. These include understanding the key stats (such as a number of followers, post reach, and engagement levels), the appropriate audiences, and why we should utilise our own team to increase the reach of your post. Creating a compelling content other than a job advert is also important to ensure that you can engage with the users.

Therefore, after you read this blog, we hope that you have some new compelling content ideas that can spice up your social media, especially those with interested in engineering.…tech

Technology related information is the key content that you should always put on your social media. The strategy is to make your social media platforms as a hub for the candidates to find information.

Focus on cool inventions and scientific news. You want to give the users a reason to visit your profile and engage with the content. Although it is important to include information on the latest job advertisement from the client, users might avoid visiting our profile since it’s not informative and boring.

Career Tips and Industry News

Career tips will not go dull. Remember that you are talking to a wide audience. They might be a fresh graduate or someone with 10 years of experiences. Inspire your audiences with relevant and actionable information that they can use in the real life. You can accompany the post with hashtags such as #TuesdayThoughts or #MondayMotivation that increase the post visibility.

In addition, white papers or trend report can be an incentive for your audiences to engage with your content. Extract the information to create a stunning infographic, therefore they can share the content on their own network.

Geeky GIFs and High-Quality Images

Never underestimate the power of GIF and high-quality image to accompany your social media post. Try to think the GIF’s from Star Trek, Star Wars, or Dr.Who. Other types of GIF such as cats, dogs, or anime might give you some varieties of your content. However, be mindful to ensure that the content is relevant to your brand. If you are mainly talking to engineers, then you might not want to include a picture of anime or dancing bananas because it may not look very professional. Therefore, always be mindful of the graphics that you use on social media.

STEM Events

Do you want to give a reason for your users to visit your social media profile? Collate relevant information on the upcoming events related to STEM. Remember that you want to make your social media as a hub? This is a perfect content to ensure that they will come back and find a reason to visit your profile.

For more related news on the latest trend in recruitment and jobs in medical devices and diagnostics industry from Medical Engineers, you can follow our Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. Also, follow us on Instagram to find inspiration on related engineering news.

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